Personal data, obtained in the context of the access to the Site and/or the participation in online sales, is intended for ALD in order to enable it to ensure the proper management of the related services provided and the customer relationship with the Participants.


Parties understand and agree to comply with all applicable Data Protection laws.


It is expressly understood and participants hereby consents that whenever necessary, pursuant to the above-mentioned purposes, this data may be communicated to Ayvens’s partners, to its brokers and insurers, sub-contractors and service providers, as well as to the entities of the Société Générale, to which Ayvens belongs, established in or outside of the European Union. The transfer of personal data made necessary occurs under the conditions and legal guarantees of France to ensure the protection of this data.


Participants have a right of access, rectification and suppression relating to Personal Data that concerns them.  They may also oppose the use of Personal Data, on condition that this is justified by a legitimate motive.


Participants may also oppose, at any given moment, and without justification, that this data is obtained for the purposes of commercial prospecting.  These rights may be exercised with Ayvens by clicking on the link www.aldcarmarket.com.


Ayvens Private Limited is committed to the objective of protecting and respecting Participant’s privacy in line with Ayvens’s Data Protection Policy available at https://www.aldautomotive.in/data-privacy-policy.




The Site is a website with interactive services in relation with the automobile market, more specifically in the second-hand car market, and operated from the address www.aldcarmarket.com.

The information and results of the implementation of the interactive services that are offered on the Site may under no circumstances be considered as exhaustive. Before making any decision based on said information, Participants should check that it complies with and matches their requirements and objectives.  Consequently, Ayvens ’s responsibility shall in no way be sought or retained regarding the use which is made of the information available on or via the Site, as it is specified that the use of this information and these services comes under the Participants’ sole responsibility, control and management.


The distribution of information or services via the Site by Ayvens’s partners is done under their sole responsibility and management and Ayvens does not guarantee the conformity, accuracy, completeness and nature of the information and services provided by said partners via the Site or by any other channel of distribution or marketing.


Ayvens is subject to a best endeavour obligation for the purpose of editing and operating of the Site. Participants use the Site at their own risk and undertake to carry out all verifications, in particular prior to the implementation of the information that the Site contains or offers via the interactive services, under their sole responsibility.


In accordance with practice and usage on Internet, Ayvens reserves the possibility to include or associate any advertising of its choice within the web pages of the Site.


The Participants are informed of the possibility of failures on the Internet network, especially in terms of security related to the transportation of data, of non-guaranteed continuity in the access to the Site, of non-guaranteed performances in terms of volume and of the rapidity of transmission of data and the propagation of viruses.

Ayvens will endeavour to make the Site accessible and available at the times specified in these General Conditions for Participation, i.e. at the times scheduled by Ayvens , but shall in no event be held responsible in this respect. Similarly, Ayvens shall not be held responsible for any difficulty in the access and use of the Site, and more generally, for any disturbances on the Internet network that could affect the access or use of the Site.