Remarketing privacy policy

AYVENS and privacy


Ayvens SA is a provider of mobility services, including operational vehicle leasing, fleet management and remarketing activities. This privacy policy explains our practices regarding the personal data of users of our ("you").

We respect your privacy and therefore we process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), other applicable laws and regulations in the field of data privacy, personal data protection and this Privacy Policy.

1. General principles

Ayvens SA understands your concerns regarding the confidentiality of your personal information. Below we describe how we acquire and use that information and outline your rights. Please read this carefully, so that the process is as fair, transparent and secure as possible.

The following principles are central to how we process your personal information:




2. About us

Ayvens is the data controller of your personal data.

This website is hosted by: AYVENS SA.

Adress : 1-3 Rue Eugène et Armand Peugeot, Corosa, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France.

E-mail: email remarketing [ML1] 

3. How we use your personal data and which personal data is used





Assessment and identification of the customer in order to conclude a sales contract


Legal representatives

Identity document of the legal representative; KBIS certificate

Management of the contractual relationship car dealers and traders (B2B)


Legal representatives

Surname; first name; position; e-mail address; phone and mobile number
 ID Card company rep employee and/or ID company rep ; Power of attorney with signature ; Chamber of commerce proof ; Tax identification proof ; Bank account details

Management of the contractual relationship retail (B2C and small B2B)


legal representatives for small companies

Individuals: ID card and address proof,  driving license and the social security number/tax identification number  ; e-mail address; phone and mobile number

Compagnies : Kbis Extract

Anti-money laundering and fighting the financing of terrorism 

Legal obligation

Legal representatives; Company members; UBO; individual customers

Name; First name of the legal representatives; Identity document; KBIS certificate
• Full name (given names and surname);
• Function title;
• Date of birth;
• Complete residential address;
Screening results





Combating fraud

legitimate interest

Legal representatives and individuals; Company members; UBO; individual customers

Name; First name of the legal representatives; Identity document; KBIS certificate

• Full name (given names and surname)


• Function title

• Date of birth

• Complete residential address

Screening results

Marketing or promotional activities; Sending newsletters, surveys, or satisfaction polls



Name; First name; Postal address; E-mail address; Telephone number

Pick-Up Services



Name of the driver; driver's phone number; driver's email address

Driver's handover of the Vehicle



Name of the driver; Driver's phone number; Driver's email address or and/or its representative/authorised representative email address

Sales via the auction platform to traders (i.e. legal persons or companies)


Natural person acting on behalf of their business; (pseudo-) UBO(s); Director(s) and, if applicable, Counterparty Representatives

Full name (given names and surname); Gender; Residential private address; Date of birth ; Identification number ; Screening results / For director(s) and counterparty Representatives : Full name (given names and surname); Gender ; Function title ; Date of birth ; Complete residential address, phone number, email adress

Retail (B2C and small B2B)


Legal representatives and individuals;

Individuals: ID card and address proof, driving license and the tax number/tax identification number

Companies: Kbis Extract, representative’s ID card, driver license (driver at time of delivery), tax identification number 



4. How long do we keep your personal information

Personal data is kept by Ayvens SA, in an active base, for the time necessary to achieve the objective pursued at the time of their collection.

The retention period is therefore initially set by Ayvens SA according to the operational needs necessary for the execution of each individual rental contract and taking into consideration any recommendations of the local Data protection authority.

However, certain longer retention periods may result from legislative and regulatory texts. Some laws also require that documents/information containing personal data be retained for a specific period of time for evidentiary purposes or in anticipation of possible litigation until the action in question is time-barred. For example, in commercial matters for accountability documents, obligations are in principle prescribed by five years if they are not subject to special prescriptions.  Ayvens SA is therefore obliged to keep certain personal data beyond the execution of the lease contracts, even though it no longer has any use for them, in the form of so-called intermediate archives.

At the end of these periods, the personal data is:


5. Who Ayvens SA may share your personal data with?

In principle, we do not share your data with third parties. However, as part of the execution of the sales contract, we may share company information with partners or subcontractors to provide you with the requested services and a better experience, for the purposes described above. We therefore limit our sharing of your personal information on a need-to-know basis as follows:


6. Export of personal data outside of the EEA

In general, all of the Ayvens databases are located inside the European Union. However, Ayvens may transfer your personal data from the Europe to countries within or outside the European Economic Area. The countries outside of the EEA may not provide the same level of protection as is available in the EEA. If we transfer your personal data outside the EEA, we will ensure that adequate levels of protection are in place in relation to the processing of your personal data. Hence, Ayvens will before transferring your personal data outside Europe make sure to implement a  Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC). This applies to our support team based in India (SGGSC).


7. Your rights

In order to protect data subjects concerned by the processing of personal data, the GDPR has implemented rights. The rights in question are as follows:

Data subject Right

Description of the right

GDPR Article

Right of access

You can obtain information relating to the processing of your personal data, and a copy of such personal data.

Article 15

Right to rectification

When you consider that your personal data are inaccurate or incomplete, you can require that such personal data be modified accordingly

Article 16

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)

You can require the deletion of your personal data, to the extent permitted by the law

Article 17

Right to restriction of processing

You can request a restriction on the use of your personal information

Article 18

Right to data portability

Where legally applicable, you have the right to have the personal data you have provided to us be returned to you in an intelligible format.

Article 20

Right to object

You can object to the processing of your personal data, on grounds relating to your particular situation.

Article 21


8. Security and data storage

Ayvens SA protects your data through technical and organizational security measures, including :

- Up-to-date policies and work instructions and regular verification of compliance;

- Segregation of duties and roles, so that our employees only have access to your personal data if it is necessary for their function and role;

- Effective training of our employees on the rules, issues and risks involved;

- Physical security of the premises where we process your personal data (e.g. access control and video surveillance cameras);

- Numerous IT security measures (secure servers, firewalls and encryption).


Only those teams and employees who need to know your information within our company can access it. Ayvens SA make sure to implement administration rights and policies within our company, and we take all measures to ensure that employees, advisers and service providers keep your files confidential.



9. Cookies Policy & Websites

Ayvens SA may collect data via cookies to improve the user's browsing experience. Cookies are used, among other tracers, to store preferences and settings in order to save time, enable login, combat fraud, analyze the performance of the website and the services provided by the renter, and compile visit statistics.

If you use our mobile app, we may look at how often you use the app and where you downloaded it.

For more details you can consult our Cookie policy by following this link:


10. Updates of this Privacy Policy

We may modify this Privacy Policy periodically to be compliant with any new regulations, so please review it regularly. If we change this Privacy Policy, we shall notify you by means of providing a notice on our website homepage. This Notice was last amended on September 17th  2024.


11. How to contact us

To exercise the rights set out in the article 7 at any time, please send us a letter or an email the following address ALD SA, 28 Allée d’Aquitaine, Nanterre, France or contact Ayvens Data Protection Officer through : and we will handle your request.